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The current status and future development of Chinese sensors

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Since Premier Wen Jiabao proposed "sensing China" in Wuxi in 2009, the Internet of Things technology has opened a new era of development in China. Today, sensors are not only the foundation of artificial intelligence technology, but also an important data portal for the Internet of Things. Mr. Duan Lixin said, “In terms of IoT products, it is actually a complete solution combining sensors, control modules, communication modules, platforms, big data and other technologies. Yunchuan Zhilian through the industry and the market After understanding, life sensor is an important field. At present, there is no unit or research center in China that systematically studies it. The domestic technology investment and market layout in this field are relatively blank."

A month ago, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued the “Three-Year Action Plan for Promoting the Development of a New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Industry”. The key content of the plan is to cultivate eight intelligent products and four core foundations, while smart sensors are ranked first in the core foundation. Position, in the most basic and important position. At present, what is the current development status of China's sensor industry and how will its trend change?

At present, Yunchuan Zhilian has formed a product line based on life sensing and highly competitive in the market. Its products mainly include: sleep monitoring series sensors, fatigue driving series sensors, squat pillow sleeping position adjustment series, tire pressure sensor, rainfall sensor, wrist pulse sensor, piezoelectric film traffic sensor and accelerometer, etc. The performance has been smashed by foreign manufacturers in the United States, and the market share has also increased year by year.

In terms of sensor manufacturing technology and technology, developed countries such as the United States, Japan and Germany have long been in the leading position in the international market. The three countries have almost monopolized 70% of the global market, and with the gradual maturity of MEMS technology, this growth will become more and more obvious. . It is understood that there are more than 6,500 sensor manufacturers in the world, and there are more than 20,000 types of sensors. There are currently more than 10,000 sensors in China. According to industry estimates, the global sensor market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 11% in 2016-2021. By 2021, the market size will reach 200 billion US dollars. In such a huge market, where are the opportunities for domestic sensor manufacturers?

“Now, 80% or even more than 90% of China's sensors are from abroad, and China has never had its own sensors. In the next few years, the advantages of technology and brand in the field of sensors in developed countries will continue to be maintained. Therefore, global sensors The market distribution will not be significantly improved. The footsteps of the Internet of Everything are getting closer and closer. As the largest market for the global Internet of Things, China's lack of comprehensive sensor strength is bound to make domestic manufacturers look a bit embarrassed.

First of all, China's sensor research and development talents are seriously lacking. At present, the talents of domestic research sensors are concentrated in universities and colleges, and according to the reliable data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, this part of the research program can only reach less than 10% of the products. Second, the lack of China's industrial environment is also a very important reason. Each process of the sensor process and process is a difficult point; the sensor belongs to the basic science, is the combination of materials science and chemical engineering, the most critical part is the sensitive components. However, the design technology, packaging technology and equipment technology of domestic sensors are far from the foreign countries. Furthermore, the industrial structure is unreasonable. Domestic sensor products are often not in series, and there is a big gap between measurement accuracy, temperature characteristics, stability, response time, and reliability. Finally, domestic sensor companies have weak capabilities, and foreign companies still have a large advantage.

In a large number of science and technology news every day, readers are always forced to be bombarded by the most popular cutting-edge technology. Nowadays people are more familiar with AI, and understand that the perfection of the algorithm is inseparable from the massive data. The larger the amount of data, the more accurate the results are given by the algorithm, and the robot and the currently hot unmanned driver must achieve the purpose of precision, which is inseparable from the sensor data.

After years of development, sensor technology is currently at a critical stage in the development of traditional sensors to new sensors. Mr. Duan Lixin shared his insights, and IoT sensors will show four major trends. The first is from intelligence to intelligence, and the sensor is the application of MEMS technology. "In the sensor development stage, it is mainly to develop the technology. It doesn't make much sense to make the sensor small. When the quantity of the product reaches a certain scale, when it comes to civilization, it will think of how to make the sensor smaller. For some usage scenarios, MEMS sensors will be an important development trend."

The third is a multi-sensor. Why do you have to solve this problem by combining various sensors, such as temperature and pressure? It is because it is now generally required to make the product smaller and smaller. There are tens of thousands of sensors in a car, so that it will be bulky and consume a lot of energy. Make it into a sensor for one output, then the signal comes in from one channel, the other channel goes out, and then changes to a variety of electrical signals. Combined with pressure, temperature, humidity, etc., the various sensors are combined and the volume of the entire sensor becomes smaller. The last trend is how to make the sensor consume less power.

Summary: China's sensors are at least a decade late in research and development compared to other countries in this field. Domestic sensor companies still rely on imitation of foreign products to maintain operations, and the scale of enterprises is small, products can not enter the mainstream market, "historical legacy" issues also need to be resolved. About 80% of the more than 1,700 sensors in China are traded. Enterprises like Yunchuan Zhilian, which can independently develop sensors, are rare. For domestic sensor manufacturers, there is still a long long way to go.

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